Sunday, October 30, 2011

Come Visit Us! :) WE MOVED!

Mrs. Buys More and Mr. Saves A. Lot + 3 =

I'll still be posting coupons but have plans for much more!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

$0.55 off International Delight Creamer

Save $0.55 on any ONE flavor 16 oz. container.

I Printed 10/28/11 - Expires 11/27/11.

Please keep in mind ... I've been off a while so some coupons I post you may have already printed. But there's always others "looking" for some they may have missed :) And, thanks for your patience!

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$.55 off Fruit2O Six Pack

Back click to print twice.

I Printed 10/28/11 - Expires 11/28/11.

Please keep in mind ... I've been off a while so some coupons I post you may have already printed. But there's always others "looking" for some they may have missed :) And, thanks for your patience!

{ } - { Redplum } - { SmartSource } - { Target }

$1 off TWO Gorton's Items

Back click to print twice.

I Printed 10/28/11 - Expires 11/28/11.

Please keep in mind ... I've been off a while so some coupons I post you may have already printed. But there's always others "looking" for some they may have missed :) And, thanks for your patience!

{ } - { Redplum } - { SmartSource } - { Target }

$1 off Greenworks

{ Greenworks Coupon ~ Sign Up Here }

$1 off any Greenworks product.

You will receive the coupon link in your email.

Back click to print twice.

I Printed 10/28/11 - Expires 11/28/11.

Please keep in mind ... I've been off a while so some coupons I post you may have already printed. But there's always others "looking" for some they may have missed :) And, thanks for your patience!

{ } - { Redplum } - { SmartSource } - { Target }

Since Nov. 30, 2009
You may use information from this blog with credit going where credit is due.
Myself or the the other blogger's I credit.
Thank You!
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
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Thank You To Phillip Martin For His Awesome Clipart!

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